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honatsugi Heart
Osteopathic clinic

We speak English!
Feel free to help yourself!

You can also use your health insurance card for your treatment.

Do you have any of these symptoms?

Our clinic specializes in treatment for musculoskeletal pain (backache, shoulder pain, neck pain, herniated disks, knee pain, neuralgia) and acute trauma (fracture, sprain, dislocation, bruise).

Treatments are performed while using a translator.

treatment ・You can use your health insurance card for your treatment!
・Lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, herniated disk, stenosis, neuralgia

Consultation is free!
Feel free to stop by!


協和鍼灸整骨院グループ 喜多見院 東京都世田谷区 新百合ヶ丘院 神奈川県川崎市 相武台前院 神奈川県座間市 藤沢院 神奈川県藤沢市 協和鍼灸整骨院グループ| 東京都・神奈川県・小田急線で就職先をお探しなら|スタッフ大募集!!|充実の福利厚生、安心して働ける環境
©2024 honatsugihartseikotsuin